A.Enkhzul, Governor of “Zamiin-Uud” free zone and representatives of relevant departments met with companies licensed to invest and operate in the free zone, today / March 29, 2022 /.
A.Enkhzul, Governor of Zamiin-Uud Free Zone, provided detailed information on the current situation of the free zone, ongoing projects and programs, infrastructure and the legal environment to investors. Project Coordinator B.Enkhbaatar and Social Development and Gender Specialist S.Bolortsetseg presented on the progress of the ADB project, social protection and gender policy.
During the meeting, Governor A.Enkhzul emphasized that she focused on working to prevent the freezing of large projects and programs, improved the legal environment to create a favorable environment for investors in the Free zone to operate normally, the following amendments and agreements have been approved for the benefit of investors, such as amendments to the Law on Free Zones and Agreement between the Government of Mongolia and the Government of the People’s Republic of China on the Establishment of the Zamiin-Uud, Erlian Economic Cooperation Zone ” approved in December 2021.
She also highlighted the commissioning of infrastructure stations as a prerequisite for the operation of enterprises, and the implementation of the “Economic Cooperation Zone Development Project” and called upon investors to work closely together and intensify construction work.
At the end of the meeting, discussions were held with the business entities which arrived, and the business representatives talked their problems, mentioned the impossibility of construction during the pandemic, and exchanged views the problems to be reported to the Governor’s Office in a timely, jointly resolve, and considered how to further develop their construction works.